Golf Therapy

At Foxhole, we're pioneering Golf Therapy in Moncton. This isn't therapy centered around your golf game; it's therapy taking place right on the course. It's been observed that for many individuals, especially men, conversing shoulder to shoulder rather than face to face fosters a unique sense of comfort and connection.

During 9 holes of golf, you'll have the opportunity to engage in insightful conversations and strategize ways to enhance various aspects of your life. As a recognized medical appointment, you can even schedule it during work hours to prioritize your mental well-being and enjoy a refreshing morning on the course.

We can play at your local course, anywhere near Moncton. 9 holes typically takes about 2 hours, but local par-3 course can offer us the opportunity to hold the session for 1 hour.

Taking therapy outside the office

Therapy doesn't always have to be confined to an office. At Foxhole, we offer Walk & Talk therapy, a more relaxed approach to counselling. Not only does it provide a comfortable setting for your sessions, but it also brings the added benefits of physical activity. This dynamic combination serves as a stress reliever and can significantly enhance your mood and energy levels.

Imagine engaging in a meaningful conversation while taking a refreshing walk, addressing those lingering issues that have been on your mind for a while. It's a holistic approach to healing and personal growth that allows you to reconnect with your inner self while rejuvenating your body and spirit.

Sessions can take place in local Moncton trails, boardwalk, coffee shop, basketball court or be creative and suggest your preferred location.